Monday, March 14, 2016

Pink Study Update

Hi cuties! Time flies sometimes, and I forget to stay on top of things. I'm still working on my pink study, and there are many images I've not even taken photos of to share. Here are a few from the past couple of weeks that I have shared on Instagram.

Some images are just random thoughts + bits from my life, and others I used a prompt from a drawing challenge. I'm the worst I actually finishing things I start, but I'm getting better!

I had an epiphany one day, that I could just scan in my images instead of taking a picture with my phone. I'm sure you can tell the difference. >_<

I'm currently working with a Moleskine Art Plus Sketch Album, and I love it! The copics don't bleed through, and I found a size that works for me.

Today I'm coming off my weird hiatus. I started working on new fabric patterns last night (which are giving some trouble), and I plan to paint a few of my doodles for prints + other cute stuff for my Society6 shop.

Stay tuned for an update + a newsletter soon! xo

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