Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Meet The Artist

I was tagged on IG for #MeetTheArtist by Pocket Sized Observer. I have been wanting to do this for a while and had actually been working on a self portrait.

I've been working most of this summer on portraits in general, because it's something I want to start offering for commissions in my shop. It's one of the top things I get asked for, besides logos.

As I sketched everyday until my hand felt like it was going to fall off, I noticed my style has changed a bit and I'm really liking it. I am always amazed to see how my work has evolved over the years.

 (click photo to enlarge!)

I am actually getting my hair done today! So I'm not sure if it will look exactly like this, but this is the overall look me and my hairstylist talked about. I'll post a picture on Instagram later today of my new hair!

I actually had a hard time coming up with dislikes. I'm sure I dislike plenty of things, but I had to dig deep for most of these so they may seem silly. And yes I really do not like chocolate cake (or ice cream or milk), but I will eat all your brownies. Weird, I know.

You can also find some of my favorite things on iphone cases, mugs, totes + tees in my Society6 shop!

What are some of your likes/dislikes? Have you ever made a self portrait? If so, I'd love to see it! Leave a link in the comments!


  1. Love it!! I've seen this tag going around on IG and I love reading them all!

    1. I love reading them too. My niece was the 1st one to tell me about it, and I thought it was a fun idea! I hope you make one too! I can't wait to see it! xo

  2. I have to do this! I used to do these on DeviantArt years ago. I love yours so much! When I complete mine, I'll certainly share. ^_^

    1. Thank you ! I look forward to seeing yours!
