Saturday, November 21, 2015

Taking a Break

Starting on December 1st, after I close down the shop for the holidays, I will be taking a break. Not just a break for the holidays, but a break from social media. I will be deleting all my social media apps from my phone. That also means I won't be sending out a newsletter or updating this blog.

I'm doing this not only to enjoy a stress free holiday with my family, but to regroup and hopefully find my creative mojo again. This month marks 3 years of creating and selling online. 3 years of non stop designing, making, styling, photographing, writing, listing, promoting, pitching, and shipping...on top of normal life stuff + raising an almost 3 year old.

I just want to be in the moment without my phone as an extension of my hand, worrying about responding to all the beeps + tweets, and to get back into making art just to make art. I want to be inspired again.

Here's how I plan to spend some of my time during this break:

  • Writing + Sketching: ideas, business plans + working on my children's book.
  • Baking + Cooking: trying some new recipes.
  • Scrapbooking: or at least printing photos and putting them in an album.
  • Find a part time job: I may or may not be looking for a job in the new year to help out with the finances around here. 
  • Pre Home Schooling: Amelia loves to learn and we like to "play" school. Spending more time each day helping her learn new things is on the top of my list everyday!

I just want to thank everyone for supporting my work, and I hope to come back in the new year inspired with a fresh new line of products + art.

Happy Holidays!